Thursday, December 4, 2008

BBQ, BOYS, and Brothers..

"Step brothers" that is.  Yes, tonight was movie night at the Maxwells, and our couches were bombarded with boys and buns. Hamburgers, that is. We decided that in honor of Will Ferrel and the sake of comedy, that we would celebrate the release "Step Brothers" and have some friends over. ( The movie, Hilarious BTW)...Will Ferrel and John C. Reilly humor is most appreciated among the male gender, so we invited over my brothers and some other favorites. Jason fired up the barbie, my brother Tyler made gourmet rosemary potatoes..I made some DE-LISH madeline cookies (papa paul recipe-of course)..and we just enjoyed one of the first nights of actually having people over. We had the adults watchin the movie in the front room, the kids playing in the back room, and the little babies playin somewhere in between ..I feel like this was a major break through for Jason and I. We are always moving, packing, unpacking, painting, decorating, un-decorating...I never seem to want people over because I never feel like we are "set up" or fully decorated..However...Jason has spent countless hours over this last month re-doing our floors, hanging pictures, moving furniture, and "cozying up our pad". Between him, and our fireplace, I feel like we are finally ready to entertain:) There was a moment tonight as I was in the kitchen, where I was filling up sippy cups for the kids, and making coffee for the adults, and all I could hear was laughter throughout the house...and I just felt so "AT HOME". We've been in many houses that we have tried to make home, but this one just suits us so well. I could get used to hosting things at our house.. I feel a movie night tradition starting at the Maxwell Pad...
Good food.Good Friends. Good Times...

1 comment:

briandem said...

I love that you are so at makes me happy :-) speaking of which, i reallllllly need to come over and hang out at the maxwell pad. We have been horrible at getting together lately and I have been horrible with the phone too, argh! Anyway, love you and can't wait to hang out soon!