Sunday, September 14, 2008

Me and my Girl..through my hubby's eyes..

We have officially declared Sundays to be "family days"...
Today, Jason decided he wanted to start a "series" of pictures of me and the kids, since I am always the one behind the camera, and I never get to be "in" the pictures with my little love bugs:) Here is a few of me and my sweet "Sabece" as I have always called her:) Later this week he will shoot me and my little Hayden..but for now, here's me and sassy pants:)

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sarah sue said...

these are amazing shots of you and your little girl! she is a cutie and i love her little dress!! :)

Deanna said...

Just when I have seen as much cute as I can handle...You give me more!!You guys both take wow to a whole different level! (P.S. Can I borrow that shirt sometime; like today:)
Loving life..Mama Llama

Deanna said...
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