Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick Or Treat...

This Halloween we had a sock monkey, and a kitty in our house. We had planned on being a whole family of pirates, but Ky ky insisted on the kitty thing..and have you ever tried to get a kid to change their mind about a costume?? It's not easy. We had quite an eventful day today. I feel like we went trick or treating for 10 hours. We started out early this morning downtown Willow Glen, through all the businesses, which was a workout in itself, pushing the double stroller through herds of super hero's and fairy princesses....I don't know who ate more candy today, Me or Kyla. I think she ate 30 lolly pops. Of course she never finished a single one, she just liked to open it, suck on it, until someone else would give her a new color, then she'd pass her old ones on to me:) I have an affinity for chocolate, so I was the mom whispering in her ear, "grab the M&M's!" We had a bit of a sugar coma, so we all napped during the afternoon, but then went for round two of trick or treating with our neighbors down the street. We went to a neighborhood a few blocks down, that closes off the streets, and there is a zillion kids..its very old fashioned with people making cotton candy, and passing out cookies and lemonade...GASP!!! I know....old school style:) Except this one house at the end of the street had the loudest DJ ever, blasting "thriller" and "sexyback"...Ky Ky got much attention as she dropped her jack-o-lantern bucket, and starting shakin her booty in the street. YES, we gave birth to a DANCING QUEEEEN!! All in all, I would say Halloween was a success, and once again, like many years past, ended with RAIN...hope you enjoy that mini snickers bar you will probably be eating for breakfast tomorrow:)

1 comment:

Sojourn said...

Are you kidding?!?!? The cutest photos of the cutest kids ever. Oh, come back and visit again soon ok? xo