To those of you who take the time to take a peak at what the Maxwell's are up to. We have a NEW blog for you all. It is a Photography specific blog that will allow us to present our Photography in a much better layout. We hope that you enjoy and don't forget to leave comments because we love to read what you think! click here to hop on over:)
I won't be needing this blog anymore, so it will be closing up shop soon...I am a wordpress girl now:)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Mom and Michaels Wedding..

It is a very surreal feeling zipping up your own mom's wedding dress...The whole process of planning this wedding has been so very interesting for my mom and I.. For once, we we were no longer thinking like wedding vendors, but as BRIDES. The Dress..table linens.. favors.. invitations..bridal flip flops....we were SOOOO there. There was one word that my mom reiterated to Corrine, the florist of how she wanted the wedding to feel..and that was "enchanted". He exceeded every hope and expectation and created this woodsy, whimsical forrest, with birds nests, water falls, artichokes, eggplants, apples, brich trees, and a few plants I had never seen before..It was perfect. Jason and I were able to help out a bit with some of the details of the day..we made the favor boxes for the candy bar, the name cards, and a few other little things (not pictured yet)..the Maxwell assembly line paid off:) Since I was maid of honor, and mother to a flower girl that needed a bit of "corralling", Jason photographed most of the are a few snippets from the day..

Friday, February 20, 2009
Viva Las Vegas..
So.. this week Jason and I embarked on what we like to refer to as "THE DRIVE". The 8 hour car trip between lush San Jose, and the deserts of Las Vegas. We have made this drive MANY times..Jason lived in Vegas our whole engagement, we lived there for a year and a half, and my dad and little brother Cody live there now. This used to be a time where Jason and I would spend hours and hours telling stories and passing the time with conversation..but since we have 2 kids we like to do the whole drive overnight, so they are sleeping the whole time. Let me reiterate.."WE" are sleeping the whole night:) I really try so hard to stay awake for Jason, but I get so sleepy in the car even in broad day light, the shortest drive can knock me out. So, Jason, Bless his heart, made this trip to Vegas and back only with the company of his sunflower seeds. We went to Las Vegas for WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International). A yearly convention where photographers all around the world head to the bright lights of Las Vegas to listen to other great photographers teach,and speak, and to see an ENORMOUS trade show of the latest photography products, albums,gear, photo labs..etc.. It's incredible.. We went to the trade show only this year..we were going to have limited babysitting time, and we were really anxious to compare the companies were currently use, to all the others that are out there.. This also was a week to visit my dad and Cody:) My dad tries to fly out to San Jose to visit us once a month, or every other month, but we hadn't gone out to visit him in almost 2 we were very excited to stay with him at his house, that used to be "our house" when we lived in Vegas..the house we lived in when Ky Ky was born:) My dad took us to a great little shopping district called "Town Square" which in San Jose, would translate to a "Santana Row"..Where we had incredible lunch and watched the kids play on the most AMAZING little park in the middle of the shopping area..I hadn't posted any recent pics of the kids lately, so here is a few of whom we like to refer to as "brother and sister" one really has names anymore..just like the Bernstein Bears:)

Sunday, February 8, 2009
My name is Ashley and I'm a Craftaholic.

Yes. I am. They say diamonds are a girls best friend. I say a hot glue gun is. When was the last time diamonds fixed your purse on your way out the door? Or glued the bow back on your Steve Madden ballet flats when your dog chewed it off? OR..when you had to comfort your daughter as you hot glue her dolls leg back into it's socket?? I know. It makes you re-evaluate the term BFF right? No, but in all seriousness. There are permanent places in ones kitchen for everyday appliances. The toaster. The microwave. The coffee maker. Blender. In the Maxwell house, there is a small blue and white object that permanently rests next to the microwave on a paper towel. Meet Glue gun. Best friend I've ever had. For some, the prospect of taking on 50 homemade birthday cards, 20 baby shower invites, or in this case, Valentines...would simply stress you out beyond belief. But ever since I bought my first hot glue gun in the sixth grade with my allowance, I learned to save the stress for the bigger things in Algebra tests, babies:)There is something purely magical to me about a crafts store. I have to make sure I go alone, otherwise I am too self conscious about the time for whoever is waiting for me, or I feel bad for getting side tracked. The ladies at Beverly's always look at me funny sometimes because I never take a basket in with me, because I always think I am only getting a few things. But sure enough, with every new aisle, a new project comes to mind. Next thing you know, I am balancing a stack of paper, feathers, and yard of fabric...and people are tapping me on the shoulder handing me the miscellaneous nick knacks I am dropping in a trail. I just can't shut my mind down in crafts stores. Too many possibilities. Sometimes I get so excited and have to stop a minute to breathe. I actually find myself checking my heart rate in line at the cutting table. Its like spinning class minus the sweat. I love crafts. This week Hillary and I co-led our MEG group..(which is our Mothers Encouragement Group)..since it was the weekend before Valentines was all about loving our Husbands:) AWWWW....She had contacted all of our husbands throughout the week, and had them hand make valentines for their ladies (no store bought cards!!) So after our little lesson about how to better love and appreciate our husbands we gave each of the girls the Valentines from the boys. It was so fun, because you could see each guys personality come through in their cards.. Kari's husband is an engineer, so he manufactured this 1/2 inch solid metal heart, with the writing engraved onto it..while others cut and pasted what they could find out of their wives scrap booking drawers. Jason of course..Mr. "Over the top creative" took it a step further, and hand made me a journal with the love note inside..Hello, I married a Martha:) It was beautiful..I felt so cherished. Anyways..since our "MEG" group always runs late because we feast on yummy breakfast, tell funny stories about our kids, and then delve into deep discussions about our lessons..I knew it was TOTALLY unrealistic to have time to sit there and MAKE each of our husbands valentines...So, I decided to make them the night before and just let the girls personalize them with their words..Not to say they can't make their own Valentines at home, but they all have way more kids then I do..and I'm pretty sure only 1 of them owns a hot glue gun:)o.k..and I just CAN'T say No to a craft. I can't. I can't. I can't. :)
Friday, January 23, 2009
Dear Anthropologie,

I drove by you in the rain tonight and I felt my heart skip a beat. The very thought of you bring gives me butterflies in my stomach and a frolic to my feet. Although there were 2 sheets of glass between us, my window and yours, I could still smell the warmth of wool-knit sweaters and tweed skirts galore. Why do you have to flaunt your dresses in the window as I pass by, when you know I simply can't come in tonight. If I only I could live between your 4 walls and and play dress up all day...I'd overcome my welcome, I'd surely want to stay. Oh, to be a blouse on one of your hangers, or a pillow on your shelf. I could burrow between intricate textiles and adorning embellishments to my hearts content. When I step foot through your doors I can barely breathe, for every silhouette is calling my name. I haven't a wallet that deep, or a closet that wide, to have all the dresses that I love and desire. Maybe someday my honey and I, can build us a place where our passions collide. A place to feel pretty in ribbons and lace, flowers, buttons, anything ornate. My very own wonderland of all things frilly, a place to call my all I want, really. Until that day comes, I'll continue to visit, I'll try not to stalk you, but you're just too exquisite.
Yours Always,
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Jessica and James Engagement Session..
Here's just a few from Jessica and James Session..I had such a great time getting to know them, and prancing around with our bag of "props".. This was my first time meeting them because they haven't set the date for their wedding yet, so we were just doing their engagement pictures before Jess had to get her braces on:) I kept mixing up their they both became JessieJames:) Thanks for the FAB session guys!

Monday, January 19, 2009
Amy and Brians Wedding
Amy and Brian's wedding was a few weekends ago at Bethel Church, where I grew up going..memories flooded my head of walking up the church steps in my poofy taffeta Easter dresses, and sliding down the handrails in the there was a childlike giddiness I had, as I captured their sweet love. Amy was as delicate as a flower, and Brian treated her accordingly..there was something intoxicating and pure about the way they looked at each other..I love weddings. A huge Thank You to the fabulous videographer Dave Ethridge for helping me carry out the incredible sofa from the church lobby-way to improvise:)

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